

Deviceフレッシュカジノ ログインolutions

フレッシュカジノ ログイン Occupational

Inquiries for フレッシュカジノ

Financial Statements

Balance Sheets


(Millions of yen) FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Current assets
Cash and deposits 26,112 32,611 30,740 36,324 32,683
Notes and accounts receivable–trade 34,397 37,185 - - -
Notes receivable-trade - - 2,730 3,062 3,479
Accounts receivable-trade - - 35,694 35,187 41,136
Contract assets - - 343 397 880
Merchandise and finished goods 42,964 42,365 42,847 49,750 49,683
Work in process 12,161 13,878 16,376 18,117 18,716
Raw materials and supplies 10,608 12,180 13,823 15,908 15,983
Accounts receivable-other 5,406 4,932 4,437 6,577 4,377
Other 7,790 8,306 9,102 9,381 9,173
Allowance for doubtful accounts -1,317 -1,421 -1,310 -1,297 -1,419
Total current assets 138,123 150,039 154,786 173,410 174,694
(Millions of yen) FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment
Buildings and structures 72,189 74,459 77,046 79,280 82,230
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 78,307 79,098 82,590 86,117 91,948
Tools, furniture and fixtures 32,278 34,183 35,782 39,233 42,617
Other 7,183 8,831 9,909 12,699 15,609
Accumulated depreciation -146,873 -150,227 -156,227 -163,232 -172,067
Land 48,522 54,409 54,056 54,182 54,144
Construction in progress 2,434 2,422 1,942 2,867 1,553
Total property, plant and equipment 94,044 103,177 105,100 111,149 116,037
Intangible assets
Goodwill 7,430 7,336 6,453 6,901 8,029
Other 8,572 8,493 8,391 8,620 10,159
Total intangible assets 16,003 15,830 14,844 15,522 18,189
Investments and other assets
Investment securities 38,759 41,463 43,536 45,490 56,374
Retirement benefit asset - 391 773 1,820 1,884
Deferred tax assets 4,441 2,273 2,200 1,923 1,984
Other 8,734 6,605 6,397 6,752 7,247
Allowance for doubtful accounts -115 -109 -106 -153 -148
Total Investments and other assets 51,820 50,625 52,802 55,833 67,341
Total non-current assets 161,867 169,632 172,747 182,505 201,568
Total assets 299,990 319,671 327,533 355,915 376,262


(Millions of yen) FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Current liabilities
Notes and accounts payable-trade 21,869 19,310 21,027 18,790 21,500
Electronically recorded obligations - operating 6,495 6,048 7,138 6,212 8,085
Short-term borrowings 59,140 72,611 63,709 72,598 64,350
Current portion of bonds payable - 350 150 300 -
Current portion of long-term borrowings 16,843 17,315 23,719 22,117 21,727
Accounts payable-other 11,739 9,266 11,359 11,344 15,291
Income taxes payable 1,282 1,478 1,546 1,793 4,678
Contract liabilities - - 6,574 7,916 8,760
フレッシュカジノ プロモーションコードr bonuses 3,477 3,634 4,174 4,879 5,097
フレッシュカジノ プロモーションコードr goods warranties 462 367 409 488 552
フレッシュカジノ プロモーションコードr loss on lease contracts 348 348 348 348 87
フレッシュカジノ プロモーションコードr business restructuring - - 136 247 24
Other provisions 555 414 245 367 366
Asset retirement obligations 13 6 - 9 647
Other 13,929 14,528 13,873 14,743 14,289
Total current liabilities 136,158 145,679 154,413 162,157 165,460
(Millions of yen) FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Non-current liabilities
Bonds payable - 450 300 - -
Long-term borrowings 33,637 35,263 28,752 37,525 31,674
Lease liabilities 4,288 4,499 4,096 5,667 7,676
Deferred tax liabilities 1,929 3,346 3,069 4,285 6,912
Deferred tax liabilities for land revaluation 3,614 3,614 3,614 3,614 3,614
フレッシュカジノ プロモーションコードr stock benefits 133 161 232 538 582
フレッシュカジノ プロモーションコードr long-term goods warranties 84 86 90 88 121
フレッシュカジノ プロモーションコードr retirement benefits for directors (and other officers) 35 35 19 4 4
フレッシュカジノ プロモーションコードr loss on lease contracts 1,134 785 436 87 -
フレッシュカジノ プロモーションコードr gift certificate exchange losses 148 152 - - -
フレッシュカジノ プロモーションコードr loss on business withdrawal 10 - - - -
フレッシュカジノ プロモーションコードr environmental measures 1 - - - -
Other provisions 7 21 29 23 23
Retirement benefit liability 10,453 9,402 7,617 6,894 6,135
Asset retirement obligations 908 729 1,070 1,079 494
Other 3,171 2,361 2,166 2,199 2,227
Total non-current liabilities 59,558 60,909 51,494 62,009 59,467
Total liabilities 195,717 206,589 205,908 224,166 224,927

Net Assets

(Millions of yen) FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Shareholders' equity
Share capital 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Capital surplus 7,245 7,245 7,245 7,245 7,245
Retained earnings 74,418 75,909 79,075 81,520 88,465
Treasury shares -328 -315 -292 -248 -1,584
Total shareholders' equity 91,335 92,839 96,028 98,517 104,126
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 5,486 10,431 10,942 11,464 17,820
Deferred gains or losses on hedges 11 -133 -331 -9 -74
Revaluation reserve for land 8,190 8,190 8,190 8,190 8,190
Foreign currency translation adjustment -804 1,055 5,116 10,638 18,290
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans -1,169 -687 120 992 746
Total accumulated other comprehensive income 11,714 18,856 24,038 31,275 44,974
Non-controlling interests 1,223 1,387 1,557 1,956 2,234
Total net assets 104,273 113,082 121,624 131,748 151,334
Total liabilities and net assets 299,990 319,671 327,533 355,915 376,262

Consolidated Balance Sheets for the last five years (viewable as a single download)(EXCEL:17KB)


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