

Deviceフレッシュカジノ ログインolutions

フレッシュカジノ ログイン Occupational

Inquiries for フレッシュカジノ

フレッシュカジノ フリースピンith Shareholders and Investors

Approach to フレッシュカジノ フリースピンith shareholders and investors

The Group is committed to engaging in フレッシュカジノ フリースピンith our shareholders and investors to contribute to sustainable growth and mid- to long-term corporate value improvement. In addition to disclosing information in a timely and appropriate manner, we also strive daily to improve the usefulness of this disclosed information for everyone who uses it, keeping in mind honest and transparent communication.
Going forward, we will continue to build a strong trust relationship through フレッシュカジノ フリースピンith shareholders and investors.

Main activities (FY2022)

Main activities (FY2022)
Main activities (FY2022)
Target Activities Achievements Responsible person Holding method, theme, etc.
Shareholders General Meeting of Shareholders June 2022 Implementation of a hybrid virtual general meeting of shareholders (live streaming)
Institutional investors / Analysts (Japan and overseas) Financial results briefings 4 times CEO, President, Senior Executive Vice President in charge of each domain, officer in charge of IR
  • Held online
  • Briefing materials and summary of Q&A are disclosed on フレッシュカジノ フリースピンompany’s website (Japanese and English)
Small meeting by the President 1 time President (Theme) SMILE145
Business briefings 1 time President of an operating company (Theme)
Growth Strategy of SS Domain in SMILE145
Individual Interviews 145 times Officer in charge of IR Online or face-to-face dialogue
Conferenceフレッシュカジノ フリースピンponsored by securities companies 3 times Officer in charge of IR Every year, we participate in conferences held by securities companies in order to create opportunities for フレッシュカジノ フリースピンith new investors
Facility visits 3 times Facility manager Various facility tours held to promote understanding of the Group
(Track record)

Grand Seiko Studio Shizukuishi

Seiko Museum Ginza

Efforts to improve the effectiveness of dialogue and enhance information disclosure

  • Increasing the number of facility tours held in response to requests from investors and analysts
  • Reviewing the annual cycle for various IR activities aimed at constructive フレッシュカジノ フリースピンith investors and analysts
  • Enhancing information provision through notices of the general meeting of shareholders, financial results briefing materials, value reports, etc.

Feedback to management and response on フレッシュカジノ フリースピンith shareholders and investors

We share フレッシュカジノ フリースピンontent of questions and comments from individual interviews with investors and analysts with our managements and related departments on a monthly basis, and also share analyst reports issued by securities companies. Furthermore, IR activities are reported to the Board of Directors once a year.
Under the ongoing 8th Mid-Term Management Plan “SMILE145”, we have also considered the opinions of investors and analysts in setting the new disclosure of cash allocation and ROIC as a KPI, and we have worked to expand the disclosed information in financial results briefing materials and enhance フレッシュカジノ フリースピンontent in value reports.